Tuesday 28 September 2010

Vi Editor

I am a windows user and never tried to use Linux before this job .But my work involves  Linux and most of the time i need to work in Linux shell prompt not GUI.  As every new user of Linux shell uses vi editor i also started with it and below are the commands i learned , which i felt its worth sharing,

vi madhu    -  Opens a file

ESC + : + wq   - saves the file and exit

ESC + : + q  - Exits the file without saving the changes

ESC + : + w!  - Saves the changes without exiting the file

ESC + : + $  - Moves the cursor to the last line of the file

ESC + : + 1  - Moves the cursor to the first line of the file

ESC + :set nonu - Removes the line number in the file

ESC + :set nu  - Displays the line number in the file

ESC + /madhu  - Searches for the string 'madhu' in tht file

ESC + :3  - Go to the 3 line

ESC + :w /tmp/newfile -  Writes the contents of the current file to


ESC +:1,10w /tmp/newfile -  Writes the contents of line 1 to 10 to the


ESC + :w! /tmp/newfile - Overwrites the file '/tmp/newfile' with this file's


Remember there are other text editors in Linux like Emacs, vim . I preferred vi as i felt it was easy to use.

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